
Orange County Inmate Bail Process

Finding an Inmate and making sure he or she is in fact being “booked” into the Orange County Mens/Womans Central Jail is the first thing we can help you with. We will instantly find their location we would be able to search surrounding jails for you.

Next we will find their alleged charges. This will provide us information on whether or not they can obtain bail and the bail amount needed.

Providing a Bail Bond to get your friend or loved one out of jail would be the last step. The bail bond process does not take long after the inmate has been fully booked.

Orange County Inmate Information

Orange County Mens/Womans Central Jail is an intake for cities in Orange County.

Males and Females are booked into this facility and they will most likely stay there until they go to court, unless the Santa Ana Police Department decides to transfer the individual to a near by County Jail. If the inmates stays in custody until court, they will then be transported to the Inmate Reception Center.

IRC will then decide which county jail the inmate will be transferred to. Females are booked into the nearest womens jail facility and will most likely remain there. It’s in the inmates best interest to be bailed out of a substation. Being transferred to a County Jail can take a day or days to be processed. Whether the person is in custody at a substation or a County Jail, he or she can’t be bail bonded until they are completely booked in.

Visiting Hours:
Monday – Sunday
10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
2:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.
7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.

Visiting Hours Info : CLICK HERE Call (714) 647-4666 for more info